Learn more about the trends in HR for 2023. We are already halfway through the year and there is still time to implement these trends to optimize your company's performance. At Axxel HR we will be happy to help you.
1. Focus on employee well-being
Workplace wellness is a topic that includes several aspects. One of them has to do with employees’ mental health. The well-known burnout is related to work overload, work-life balance difficulties and stress.
A survey published by Express Employment Professionals shows that four out of five workers (79%) admit they have felt “burnout” in their careers. This includes 35% who said they suffered from physical and mental exhaustion.
As a result, HR professionals are adopting measures related to emotional compensation, such as:
- Training and development that promotes the employee’s professional growth.
- A more collaborative work environment.
- The enhancement of the corporate sense of belonging for more engagement and motivation.
- Improvement of internal communication for more efficient exchanges of updates and changes.
2. Employee training
In an increasingly competitive environment, companies do not only need employees who are experts in a certain area of work. Instead, there is a need to increase, more and more, the ability of employees to work in several areas at the same time (“versatility” in other words) and to take on leadership roles.
Not investing in long-term employee training is one of the most frequent mistakes made by the HR area. Employee training should be seen as an investment, rather than an expense. Because betting on professional growth and development means that teams will improve their skills and, therefore, this will be reflected in better performance and productivity.
Axxel HR offers more than 100 programs and trainings for your employees. From coaching, teambuilding and many other programs, our Learning and Development division is the best qualified to help you with this 2023 trend.
3. Talent retention strategies
It’s not just about offering more flexibility in the workplace or providing rewards as an incentive or recognition for their hard work and commitment. This topic is much more than that. And these are some of the points on retention that have an impact:
- Having a good onboarding plan.
- Stays interviews
- Compensation benchmarking
Do you need help with any of these trends? Contact us and we can help you with the optimization of your company’s Human Resources.